E hënë - E premte8AM - 5PM
LokacioniRr. B, Residio 2, Hyrja A, Kati 2, Nr. 11, Prishtinë, Kosovë
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Shërbimet më të mira, me ekipin e Centric

Chief Executive Officer

Zijad Krasniqi

Senior Consultant & COO

Arianit Krasniqi

Tax and Accounting Officer


“Accounting is a big subject and there are huge forces in play. The entire momentum of existing thinking and existing custom is in a direction that allows terrible follies to happen, and the terrible follies have terrible consequences.”

Carlie Munger

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Rr. B, Residio 2, Hyrja A, Kati 2, Nr. 11, Prishtinë, Kosovë
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